Trauma-informed care is a framework for understanding and addressing the effects of trauma on individuals and communities. It involves recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma, understanding the impact that trauma can have on an individual's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, and taking a supportive, non-judgmental approach to helping individuals heal from trauma.

There are many reasons why trauma-informed care is important in communities. One reason is that trauma is very common, and many people have experienced some form of trauma in their lives. This can include things like physical or sexual abuse, exposure to violence, natural disasters, or other traumatic events. When people have experienced trauma, it can affect their behavior, relationships, and overall health and well-being.

By adopting a trauma-informed approach, community organizations and service providers can create a safe and supportive environment that acknowledges the impact of trauma and helps individuals cope with and heal from their experiences. This can include things like providing education and training to staff, creating policies and procedures that are sensitive to the needs of traumatized individuals, and developing supportive services that address the unique needs of people who have experienced trauma.

Overall, trauma-informed care is an important aspect of creating a healthy and supportive community, as it helps to recognize and address the impact of trauma and supports individuals in their journey towards healing and recovery.

What are the Principals of Trauma Informed Care?

There are several principles of trauma-informed care that can be used to guide the development and delivery of services to individuals who have experienced trauma. Some of these principles include:

  1. Safety: Ensuring that individuals feel physically and emotionally safe is a top priority. This can involve creating a safe and supportive environment, establishing clear boundaries, and providing resources to help individuals cope with feelings of vulnerability and distress.

  2. Trustworthiness and transparency: Building trust and establishing open, honest communication is essential for helping individuals heal from trauma. This can involve being transparent about policies, procedures, and services, and being responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals.

  3. Collaboration and mutuality: Trauma-informed care involves a collaborative approach that values the unique strengths and experiences of each individual. This can involve building partnerships with individuals and working together to create a plan for healing and recovery.

  4. Empowerment, voice, and choice: Individuals who have experienced trauma often feel a sense of powerlessness and lack of control. Trauma-informed care empowers individuals by giving them a voice in their own care and helping them to make informed choices about their treatment and support.

  5. Cultural, historical, and gender issues: Trauma can have different impacts on individuals based on their cultural, historical, and gender identities. It is important to recognize and address these differences in order to provide culturally sensitive and inclusive care.

  6. Healing relationships: Building supportive and positive relationships is an important aspect of trauma-informed care. This can involve creating a sense of belonging and connection, and fostering supportive and caring relationships between individuals and service providers.

Overall, these principles serve as a guide for creating a supportive and trauma-informed environment that recognizes and addresses the unique needs of individuals who have experienced trauma.

A trauma-informed approach to 12-step recovery

Trauma-informed 12-step recovery is a approach to treating individuals who have experienced trauma and are seeking to recover from addiction that recognizes the impact of trauma on an individual's life and seeks to address it in a way that is supportive and safe. This approach is based on the understanding that trauma can have a profound impact on an individual's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being, and that individuals who have experienced trauma may be more likely to experience challenges in their recovery process. A trauma-informed approach to 12-step recovery can help to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals in recovery, which can improve outcomes and facilitate the healing process. This may involve making adjustments to the traditional 12-step model to better meet the needs of individuals with a history of trauma, such as incorporating additional support and resources to address the impact of trauma on an individual's recovery journey.

Learn more about Trauma Informed Care

In this animated video, meet “Dr. Cruz,” who shares what she has learned about caring for patients with exposure to trauma, including abuse, neglect, and violence. Learn more at